Show or hide the contained content based on a start date, end date, and/or a repeating schedule.

Screenshot of the Conditional Display block with options set containing example content

Block Settings

Screenshot of sidebar settings in the editor.
  • Start showing
    • The content will be displayed based on the start date specified in the modal that appears when the schedule button is clicked. If no stop date is set, the content will be displayed indefinitely after the start date.
  • Stop showing
    • The content will be displayed based on the end date specified in the modal that appears when the schedule button is clicked. If no start date is set, the content will be displayed immediately.
  • Reoccurring
    • This option only appears when both the start and stop dates are set. The repeating schedule is based on the start date and will continue indefinitely unless an expiration date is set. The schedule can be configured to repeat at intervals ranging from 1 to 28 days.
  • Expires
    • This option is only available when the recurring schedule is set. Once the expiration date is reached, the start and stop schedule will end, and the content will no longer be visible.